What's new?

The firm has recently been retained to incorporate an alternative energy company, offer advise on wind energy sector in Kenya and prepare Certified Emissions Reduction Purchase Agreement.


Simon Saili Malonza


LLB(Hons) London
Diploma of law ( KSL)

Other professional qualifications

Attended College of Architecture and Engineering in the University of Nairobi and obtained a degree in Quantity Surveying.

Areas of specialisation

Building ,Construction and design law, Corporare Law

Quick Facts

• Associate member of the Chartered institute of Arbitrators (Kenya branch)

• Member of the law society of Kenya

• Registered by the Board of Registration of Architects and Quantity Surveyors Of Kenya in 1998

David Sewe

LLB, Moi University.
Diploma in Law, Kenya School of Law.

Areas of specialisation

Commercial litigation, commercial law